Dark Chroma Theory project is a revision of Chroma Theory published on Art Blocks. The code has been updated with certain features, e.g.: dark background only, looped animation, organic movement, wider color range, spots number, and appearance reviewed.

Dark Chroma Theory project is a revision of Chroma Theory published on Art Blocks. The code has been updated with certain features, e.g.: dark background only, looped animation, organic movement, wider color range, spots number, and appearance reviewed.

Dark Chroma Theory is a collection of 16, 10-seconds loop animations based on color theory.

Dark Chroma Theory

multiple stills fading, digital image, 2022, dimensions variable, titles:

0xa190, 0x543b, 0xb78f,
0x7d4e, 0x59ac, 0x3d7a,
0xd817, 0xb9cc, 0x20f2,
0xc6f1, 0x46b2, 0x7ce6

Dark Chroma Theory is a set of looped 10-seconds animations filled with color, where you can experience slight movement, irregular pulse, and tonal diffusion. It’s the abstract study of color coexistence and mutual interference, from pastel hues to vivid compositions. A minimalistic variation on visual media art. A set of 16 outputs has been chosen and minted on OpenSea Polygon blockchain.

While working on Genuary 2022 prompts I’ve found some new ways to improve Chroma Theory with more developed color relations. I tried the new solutions and decided to create a small collection of outcomes. The idea of the center spot was abandoned and replaced with a higher spots number. The elements’ movement and dissolution were improved to be more organic and looped. To visually distinguish the new outputs from the Art Blocks Chroma Theory Theory I decided to set a dark background, which was a nice addition to the idea of color study.

Dark Chroma Theory, multiple stills, digital image, 2022, dimensions variable, hover for title

Dark Chroma Theory @ OpenSea.io