
object, 2016, 10×10×15 cm: 3D print (PLA)

The object was created as a result of the observation of 3D printing technology. Sequences of numbers and algorithms have only become guidelines for its physical representation. Expected tool inaccuracy, non-uniformity of the material and a number of external factors make, what might seem possible to duplicate information, in fact, an individual and unique form.

Similarly, as in the case of other processes (eg. casting), so here appear elements, unwanted in the final object, but necessary due to technological reasons. Usually removed by the author, they reveal the nature of the process and constitute its clear record. Thin threads are traces of the print-head movement. At the same time their multiplication and density become the basic building material of space.

fot. Paweł Dudko

The artwork was presented at the exhibition “X” during the 10th Multi Art Festival in Kalisz, 2016.