“Mycelioid” series is the art journal on blockchain.

Gamma Partner Program allowed me to use a monthly art publication into an artistic journal that tracks the algorithm’s development. Or maybe I should say the process of revising and rebuilding the code. I had this idea for quite some time to share the process, but the Web3 space lacked a suitable tool/platform for that. Both Ethereum and Tezos need to set up a “collection”. I felt that naming a collection “drafts” or “sketchbook” seemed somewhat cliché and structured.

Prints felt like a proper place to experiment. The opportunity to release up to 2 artworks monthly, no need for creating or naming a collection, a welcoming Ordinals community – that’s exactly what I needed. Also, when I revised the first “Mycelioid” code, it turned out there’s so much potential I can use. All the pieces fell into place.

For the following months in the Gamma Partner Program, I explore artistic process and develop the code. I want to see how the artwork will grow with new features, outputs, and technical solutions. Whether they come from my explorations, Ordinals protocol or Gamma developing their product.

I use the “Mycelioid” particle system as the basis for monthly exploration and development.

There’s no tight schedule. Just a simple step-by-step guide:

  • take a break from the project to get some distance and a fresh perspective
  • explore what could be done differently or what could be introduced to the new revision
  • inscribe the current state of development once a month

Use the following links to navigate or scroll down:


“Mycelioid” captures the intricate resemblance of structures mirroring the growth patterns of mycelium. These patterns evoke a sense of cosmic wanderings among celestial bodies or the subtle interactions on an atomic scale. It’s a fusion of macro and micro cosmos, where familiar structures emerge, blurring the boundaries between the vast universe and the minuscule world.

“Mycelioid” — an infinite algorithmic single output animation coded in HTML: VanillaJS & WebGL.

Tech specs:

  • infinite algorithmic animation
  • HTML: VanillaJS + WebGL
  • 7 556 B
  • Published: 25th of August 2023, Print (editions on Bitcoin) launch — “Mycelioid” on Gamma

Mycelioid, algorithmic infinite animation, 2023, dimensions variable

Mycelioid RGB

“Mycelioid RGB” begins the art diary on blockchain. The “Mycelioid” particle system algorithm will be used as the basis for monthly exploration and development.

For the following months, I will explore artistic process and develop the algorithm. I want to see how the artwork will grow with new features, outputs, and technical solutions. Whether they come from my own explorations, Ordinals protocol or Gamma developing Prints.

The first revision introduces more complex technical solutions: R/G/B channel separation, resulting in a generative color palette and multi-layered WebGL shaders.

Tech specs:

  • infinite algorithmic animation
  • HTML: VanillaJS + WebGL
  • 8 976 B
  • Original inscribed on alpha sat 636819200000000
  • Published: 11th of October 2023 — “Mycelioid RGB” on Gamma

Mycelioid RGB, algorithmic infinite animation, 2023, dimensions variable

Mycelioid CA

“Mycelioid CA” is the 3rd entry in the art journal on blockchain. The “CA” stands for Chromatic Aberration — an optical lens quality resulting in chromatic fringing.

The code-simulated light diffraction is fully interactive. Click/tap and drag to adjust the center, strength, and direction of the effect.
Hint: explore it on desktop screens and drag beyond the artwork borders.

“Mycelioid CA” is bound up with Bitcoin blockchain by recursive fetch of /blockheight data. With every new block mined on Bitcoin, the initial configuration will change and result in new output.

Tech specs:

  • infinite algorithmic animation
  • HTML: VanillaJS + WebGL
  • 9 645 B
  • Original inscribed on omega sat 636819199999999

Mycelioid CA, algorithmic infinite animation, 2023, dimensions variable

Mycelioid DIY

“Mycelioid DIY” is the 4th entry in the art journal on blockchain. I use the “Mycelioid” particle system algorithm as the basis for monthly exploration and development.

The “DIY” is a whimsical reference for the feature that was introduced in this iteration — the opportunity to manipulate the artwork interactively.

The system’s behavior can be changed by manually adding or removing obstacles:
[left click] / [tap and drag] to add the obstacle
[right click] / [2 finger tap] to reveal all obstacles
[double click] / [3 finger tap] to remove all obstacles

“Mycelioid DIY” is also bond to blockchain by recursive fetch of /blockheight data. Each block mined on Bitcoin alters the initial setup and generates new output.

This time, there’s an extra feature that allows you to input your own seed or blockheight manually:
— press [S] on keyboard to open the input window.

For the following months, I will explore artistic process and develop the algorithm. I want to see how the artwork will grow with new features, outputs, and technical solutions. Whether they come from my own explorations, Ordinals protocol or Gamma developing Prints.

Tech specs:

  • infinite algorithmic animation
  • HTML: VanillaJS + WebGL
  • 9 946 B
  • Original inscribed on name palindrome sat 1940707854823025 (achtqbqthca)

Mycelioid DIY, algorithmic infinite animation, 2024, dimensions variable

Mycelioid DOS

“Mycelioid DOS” is the 5th entry in the art journal on blockchain. I use the “Mycelioid” particle system algorithm as the basis for monthly exploration and development.

Subtitle “DOS” is a nostalgic nod to the first computer I learned to code on — a 100 MHz 486 CPU beast. The pixelated output resembles high-quality graphics of the time. The palette consists of 16 colors of CGA (including “tweaked brown”). Shuffling the palette order with every seed results in rich, perceivable color variety. Only after this stage, the colors are blended in a modern manner.

“Mycelioid DOS” follows Bitcoin’s advancement. Each block mined not only alters the setup, but begins a celebratory sequence of rapid movement.

The extra feature allows you to input your own seed or blockheight manually:
— press [S] on keyboard to open the input window.

For the following months, I will explore artistic process and develop the algorithm. I want to see how the artwork will grow with new features, outputs, and technical solutions. Whether they come from my own explorations, Ordinals protocol or Gamma developing Prints.

Tech specs:

  • infinite algorithmic animation
  • HTML: VanillaJS + WebGL
  • 9 077 B
  • Original inscribed on palindrome sat 636819202918636

Mycelioid DOS, algorithmic infinite animation, 2024, dimensions variable

Mycelioid DRAG

“Mycelioid DRAG” is the 6th entry in the art journal on blockchain. I use the “Mycelioid” particle system algorithm as the basis for monthly exploration and development.

Sixth implementation of code responses to human interaction. “DRAG” the cursor over the canvas to repel the particles. Follow these interactions to play with the artwork:

[drag/hover] / [1 finger drag] to repel particles,
[right click] / [2 finger tap] to change repel type
[double click] / [3 finger tap] to remove obstacles
[click + drag] to change obstacle size.

“Mycelioid DRAG” follows Bitcoin’s advancement. Determining initial setup by each block mined allowed to introduce widest variety in particle behavior. Particles not only move harmoniously but also cluster, stop, or move in intricate patterns. Blockchain advancement not only alters the setup, but begins a celebratory sequence of rapid movement.

The extra feature allows you to input your own seed or blockheight manually:
— press [S] on keyboard to open the input window.

For the following months, I will explore artistic process and develop the algorithm. I want to see how the artwork will grow with new features, outputs, and technical solutions. Whether they come from my own explorations, Ordinals protocol or Gamma developing Prints.

Tech specs:

  • infinite algorithmic animation
  • HTML: VanillaJS + WebGL
  • 9 242 B
  • Original inscribed on Nakamoto sat 17395077152106
  • Published: 20th of February 2024 — “Mycelioid DRAG” on Gamma

Mycelioid DRAG, algorithmic infinite animation, 2024, dimensions variable

Mycelioid 45

“Mycelioid 45” is the 7th entry in the art journal on blockchain. I use the “Mycelioid” particle system algorithm as the basis for monthly exploration and development.

“Mycelioid 45” draws inspiration from geometrical design, with all particle traces calculated and rounded to 45-degree angles. At the center of the canvas, a deflector adjusts its size based on the current average Bitcoin blockchain fees. When fees are low, the deflector remains small, but it can expand to fill the entire canvas at 1000 sats/vB.

“Mycelioid 45” also reflects Bitcoin’s ongoing development. The initial setup is determined by each mined block. A temporary spike in particle movement speed signals the arrival of the new block.

The extra feature allows you to input your own seed or blockheight manually:
— press [S] on keyboard to open the input window.

For the following months, I will explore artistic process and develop the algorithm. I want to see how the artwork will grow with new features, outputs, and technical solutions. Whether they come from my own explorations, Ordinals protocol or Gamma developing Prints.

Tech specs:

  • infinite algorithmic animation
  • HTML: VanillaJS + WebGL
  • 7 777 B
  • Original inscribed on a JPEG sat 152060460695094
  • Published: 26th of May 2024 — “Mycelioid 45” on Gamma

Mycelioid 45, algorithmic infinite animation, 2024, dimensions variable

Mycelioid INF

“Mycelioid INF” is the 8th entry in the art journal on blockchain. I use the “Mycelioid” particle system algorithm as the basis for monthly exploration and development.

“Mycelioid INF” is inspired by the number 8. It is the 8th in the series, was inscribed on 08.08.2024, and code length is 8,888 bytes. The placement of two main attractors generates an infinity sign inspired path (horizontal 8).

“Mycelioid INF” reacts to Bitcoin’s ongoing development. A temporary spike in particle movement speed signals the new block. The initial setup and behavior of the system is determined by the most recent Bitcoin block hash. With every new block, we experience the new configuration. The algorithm is also reactive to blockchain fees, yet it will unveil its full potential only with extremely high fees.

The extra feature allows you to input your own seed or blockheight manually:
— press [S] on keyboard to open the input window.

For the following months, I will explore artistic process and develop the algorithm. I want to see how the artwork will grow with new features, outputs, and technical solutions. Whether they come from my own explorations, Ordinals protocol or Gamma developing Prints.

Tech specs:

  • infinite algorithmic animation
  • HTML: VanillaJS + WebGL
  • 8 888 B
  • Original inscribed on a palindrome sat 935858808858539 with 888 sats postage
  • Inscribed: 8th of August 2024 — “Mycelioid INF” on Gamma

Mycelioid INF, algorithmic infinite animation, 2024, dimensions variable

Mycelioid LUSH

“Mycelioid LUSH” is the 9th entry in the art journal on blockchain. I use the “Mycelioid” particle system algorithm as the basis for monthly exploration and development.

“Mycelioid LUSH” encapsulates the essence of 2024 – a year of growth, interconnection, and evolution – while extending a wish for abundance, vitality, and transformation as we step into 2025. This piece invites you to dive into its luminous, organic forms and embark on a journey of introspection.

This piece is not only a celebration of the past year but also a beacon for the future, encouraging growth, resilience, and embracing the ever-changing patterns of our lives. May this artwork inspire a deeper connection to yourself and the world around you, lighting the path to a vibrant and abundant 2025.

“Mycelioid LUSH” responds dynamically to Bitcoin’s ongoing development. Each new block triggers a collision and explosion sequence, marking its arrival. The system’s initial setup and behavior is determined by the most recent Bitcoin block hash, creating a fresh configuration with every block. Additionally, the algorithm adapts based on the number of transactions in the latest block, adding another layer of reactivity.

For the following months, I will explore artistic process and develop the algorithm. I want to see how the artwork will grow with new features, outputs, and technical solutions. Whether they come from my own explorations, Ordinals protocol or Gamma developing Prints.

Tech specs:

  • infinite algorithmic animation
  • HTML: VanillaJS + WebGL
  • 9 335 B
  • Original inscribed on a black uncommon sat 1677223749999999
  • Published: 30th of December 2024 — “Mycelioid LUSH” on Gamma

Mycelioid LUSH, algorithmic infinite animation, 2024, dimensions variable