to disappear
Description [source: 5th Internation Festival of Student Culture ARTenalia, based on the text by Dorota Perszko Plexus Solaris]
In a painted room every 15 seconds flash captures for a moment a shadow of the audience moving around the hall. What is more, the visitors, in addition to their primary role as the recipient of art, become also a co-author of an art object. The undertaken problem of a temporary commemoration relates to existentially marked questions about a human being, physical existence, and finally the disappearance, when after the momentary perpetuated sign, it dissipates, leaving space to next entities.
Unicell Poland, the owner of Primacol brand, helped to create the installation ‘to disappear’.
fot. Paweł Dudko
The installation was carried out as part of the 5th International Festival of Student Culture ARTenalia, which took place on May 12-13, 2012 in the Stara Rzeźnia building in Poznań.